
Every day of the year commemorates the sufferings of one or more of the Russian Martyrs of the Bolshevik yoke, especially those who died during the period between 1918 and 1939. Their names are not always known to us and even when they are, a complete account of their martyrdom is not always available, though much work is being done in different Russian dioceses to collect this information.
We shall try to provide lives of different New Martyrs on this site, using different sources, because even though definitive accounts are not yet available, enough has been achieved to present the English language reader with some idea of the martyrs’ almost unimaginable sufferings and faithfulness.
The best Internet source is the following site:
St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church >>>
This lists many of the Martyrs alphabetically and you can get an account of their lives and details of the sources used.
Another very good site is:
The Royal Martyrs of Russia >>>
This deals mainly with the Royal Martyrs and St Elizabeth, but also contains much information about the whole period of persecution.
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